Wednesday 12 March 2014

Twelfth Post: Worst Bulimia Stories

Yeah here's the ones we all wanna hear, my embarrassing moments of failure. But this blog is completely anonymous so you don't know who I am haha. Well let's see. Gosh this is gonna be major awkward...
1. One time I had a big binge and purge. Like to the point I was all wobbly after and couldn't think straight. So I did this particular purge in the shower, for simplicity, onto the towel I normally do before carefully lifting that vomit-y towel up and placing the vomit in the toilet to be flushed. It went fine, I put the vomit in the toilet (saving flush for appropriate time when I wasn't supposed to be showering), went back to the shower to rinse off the towel and ended the shower. Like usual. Anyway, I changed, rinsed the vomit out my mouth etc, etc. and left the bathroom. Then I went downstairs with my family for like 3 hours. Then I went upstairs to my room, and was chilling there, right, normal. My mom was about to use her washroom...and then I realized. I forgot to flush the vomit down. If she saw, she'd know I was bulimic. I sprinted out of my room, and there my mom was about to go into the washroom. I ran in before her, shut the door, and flushed the toilet immediately, before realizing it might be suspicious to flush so early. I came out, and my mom was like 'huh?' Blamed it on my period. Nailed it.
2. Vomiting up like dinner and a small binge afterwards, only to find lots of red streaks through it. I couldn't figure out what I ate that was red...after some examination, I determined it blood. There was a lot. Thankfully, that hasn't happened since, just small amounts of blood if I vomit something that like irritates my throat.
3. Vomiting at school. Eugh. It gets me every time. It's hard because I use my hand unlike normal (or pencil, but those can break easily under the pressure (yes it's happened)) and I literally get it all over my face and hands during it. But there's no sink with the toilet so I have to wipe it all off with toilet paper, then wash my hands. It's such an effort. Worth it though.
4. This is embarrassing, once I vomited, I think chocolate ice cream. But I didn't wash it completely off my mistake (I had a small splotch on my cheek ugh) and my mom pointed it out. She thought I ate
 something and had it on my face. No, I vomited it...
5. Ah more awkward. Um well, you see, ya know how when you vomit and it kinda splashs back. Well there's that of course, to many extents we've experienced that. But sometimes it like goes up and hits other things too. That happened. Brown vomit. My family thought someone pooped all over the place because I wasn't able to get it all off in time. It was so awkward I'm telling you...
6. The most embarrassing, shameful, pride- killing one of all. You think I'm gonna share it with you? Think again, I'm not. Okay jkjk since I know the person reading this I'll tell you coz I trust you but it's really awkward. So basically once I relapsed after being clean for a little bit and I was pissed that I did to I tried to 'take back' my relapse....fuck this is awkward. Anyyyywaayyyyyysss vomit tastes like shit.

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